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Impact Workshops

A Typical Impact Workshop


A typical Impact Workshop comprises:

  • A group of 8 personnel – mix of operators, engineers, and technical personnel, and maybe a manger or two willing to leave their stripes at the door and work as one team.
  • Two days of finely crafted, practical hands on training in the Rapid Lean improvement tools, that go to lengths to explain the “why”, not just the “what”.

Over the following weeks, expect to be amazed at how much improvement activity can take place, and how much improvement can achieved in such a short time.

Workshops can be run over a timeframe to suit the needs of the site, and the time of year. However, for those who have sufficient opportunity, the ideal is to run an 8 week programme, consisting of a 5 week impact workshop, immediately followed by 3 weeks of sustainability activity.


Typical Results:

Results from this vary dramatically depending on the size of the available opportunity, but increasing output by 10-20%, and reducing waste by 30%-50% is the norm.   Read our case studies to get a better feel of what can be achieved – but most people who haven’t seen a workshop before are amazed at what can be achieved.

Of course, it’s not as simple as locking 8 people in a room and hoping. There is a very rigorous workshop process to follow to achieve these results, as well as ensuring the right tools have been pre-identified. Nonetheless, it should take no more than 3 iterations to train one of your own personnel to run the process, and to be able to go on and repeat the process without further external help. And there-in lies the true way to ensure a sustained and on-going improved rate of improvement.

Check out our Testimonials, or read reviews on Facebook to find out what shopfloor operators have to say about the Impact Workshop experience.


To find out, without obligation, how a programme of Impact Workshops could help you achieve your objectives, get in touch.



Before Lauras came we were a family run company and things had been done the same way for a hundred years. There was a lot of apprehension but the Lauras team had such a great way with people they won us over. People took to them. Lauras were great for our company and the systems they introduced are still in place.

Lesley Kercheval, Production Manager, KR Castlemaine

We are pleased with the progress we’re making at the Gweedore site, indeed we’re so pleased that we’re planning to roll out the programme to our other manufacturing sites.

John Donnelly, General Manager, Largo Foods, Ireland