Lauras International provides premier
Improvement Support to manufacturers.
FMCG Specialist Expertise
Identify profitability improvements
Lauras International provides premier
Improvement Support to manufacturers.
FMCG Specialist Expertise
Focus on rapid productivity gains
Lauras International provides premier
Improvement Support to manufacturers.
FMCG Specialist Expertise
Engage your improvement teams
Lauras International provides premier
Improvement Support to manufacturers.
FMCG Specialist Expertise
Maintain assets & improve reliability

Uncertain of the how much improvement to plan?
Concerned about which is the right approach?
Site assessments identify where to start first, and the right approach for the specific issues.

Frustrated with Performance? Employees who live with daily operational issues are best placed to improve them. Close engagement with teams can achieve 'bottom up' problem solving, and ownership of performance.

Concerned about engagement? Developing leadership styles and confidence through coaching and mentoring helps Front Line Managers excel, and improves co-operation on the shop floor.

Fed up with downtime? With problem solving techniques embedded, and the workforce engaged, implement a robust maintenance strategy to achieve even better performance.
Why Lauras International?
Providers of Improvement Support
Lauras International believes it is everyone’s interest to make productivity improvement happen, and believe the best way to do this is through strong engagement with all the workforce. We have have taken the time to understand the differences in Fast Moving Consumer Goods, and what the optimum improvement approaches are. We now provide premier improvement support to ambitious FMCG manufacturer who either want to improve manufacturing cost, quality, or delivery, or simply want more capacity. Lauras International has been working with manufacturers large and small since 2001, and since 2010 also provide advisory services regards FMCG operations.
Our Approach?
Sustainable Operational Profit Improvement
Expertise in Lean, Six Sigma, TPM, and Constraint Theory, along with a range of in-house developed approaches, enables us to tailor our improvement model to the needs of the sector, and indeed each client. We offer both Consultancy and Practitioning – expertise in each means both understanding what improvement is achievable, and how to actually make it happen. The knowledge from one feeds directly into the other – giving clarity on exactly what is required to achieve what result. Practitioning programmes come with a guaranteed ROI (calculated during the opportunity assessment) with payback typically achieved in a few months. We are very proud of our results – our projects consistently outperform other approaches – they deliver the most rapid improvement, and not only sustain results but also embed capability to continue an enhanced rate of improvement.