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Lauras International Pty Ltd                  Tel: +61 (0) 429 464 420



Lauras International Pty Ltd is registered In Australia in the State of Victoria.

Lauras International Pty Ltd operates through Consulting Positions LLC within the Americas.         Tel: +1 (518) 965 2750

USA – Lauras International USA LLP in the Americas is a separate company to Lauras International Pty Ltd and can be found at We take no responsibility for any activities engaged in by Lauras International USA LLP.


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Before Lauras came we were a family run company and things had been done the same way for a hundred years. There was a lot of apprehension but the Lauras team had such a great way with people they won us over. People took to them. Lauras were great for our company and the systems they introduced are still in place.

Lesley Kercheval, Production Manager, KR Castlemaine

We’ve had the best of our best, which are better than most, working on this for years and they have not achieved these results. This has clearly been a significant breakthrough. The results show this.

Senior Supply Chain VP from International Beverage Business