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Meeting Coaching

Fed up with meetings failing to start on time? Concerned that the list of actions continues to grow, nothing gets removed? Frustrated the time spent in meetings talking about seemingly irrelevant things?

Effective meetings are the driving force behind business performance, but unfortunately good meeting practice is far too rare. Our Meeting Coaching is proven to help manufacturers have more effective meetings.

Meetings are there to decide on actions to issues raised, and ensure that someone is accountable for the completion of that action. Issues should be raised based on facts, and accountabilities agreed, recorded, and followed up.

Lauras International has significant expertise in coaching managers of all levels into good meeting practice, and to ensure that an effective meeting structure is in place that supports improvement. Where necessary, we can also put in place simple systems that support decision making based on facts.


For more automated information systems, we can help specify the exact information and reporting that is necessary to help drive improvement, and work with suppliers of systems that we have seen have great systems that can add value to your business.




It’s brilliant! We used to produce 3 or 4 full bins of waste a day now we’re down to less than ½ a bin! The final bit of work we do should reduce it to virtually nothing!

Operator – Branded Bakery

I believe that the project has been the catalyst for some big changes in the way we operate and think. Your presence, support, enthusiasm and ability to engage the personnel involved has been integral to this.

Keith Bassett, Plant Manager, KR Castlemaine